CURRENTLY ONLY CONSIDERING LIMITED COMMUNITY BIRTH CLIENTS FOR 2024! No hospital birth clients, but able to provide excellent referrals 🤍

Expected Maternity leave early June-December 2024


Birth Doula 

Continuous physical, emotional, and educational support during the prenatal, birth, and immediate postpartum period to provide the most satisfying + positive birth experience.

Package includes:

  • Complimentary Consultation

  • Text, phone, email support during pregnancy

  • 1-2 prenatal visits lasting 60-90 minutes each

  • Help developing a birth plan

  • On-call support from 37 weeks - birth

  • In person labor support from active labor until the first feed and you feel comfortable (In person support during entirety of cesarean births)

  • Breastfeeding assistance during the critical golden hour

  • 1 postpartum visit lasting 60-90 minutes

  • Text, phone, email support for 6 months postpartum

  • Qualified backup doula for all births

  • Referrals as needed

Investment: $1500-1800 sliding scale fee


Postpartum Doula 

The postpartum period is an area of care that I am extremely passionate about. I will meet you in home to offer professional support in the areas of healing, nutrition, normal newborn care, infant feeding, meal prep, housekeeping and more throughout the first year postpartum.

At the start of each postpartum visit, you and I will chat over tea or coffee to determine what your needs are for that day. Maybe you need a bath and some alone time. Perhaps you want to play with an older child to re-connect, or sit on the couch alone, or with your partner. At times, a nagging mess may be keeping you from truly being present with your family. That's where I come in. I rarely show up empty-handed to a postpartum visit and love spoiling my clients with homemade bone broth and soups.

I am able to provide support up to 2-3 days per week and work in hourly packages. Minimum of 4 hour shift per visit. Clients greater than 10 miles from 53227 would be charged a mileage fee.
• 16 hours of support
• 24 hours of support
• 40 hours of support (5% discount)
• 80 hours of support (10% discount)

Birth clients get a discounted postpartum rate!

Investment: $50/hour


Postpartum Nourishment 

Homecooked meals and snacks delivered to you during postpartum to promote tissue healing, milk production, mental well-being, and hormonal changes. 

Availability is limited for this service! All meals are prepared in my home, not a commercial kitchen.

Pick my Brain - Advice 

Due to my experience, I have a lot of valuable knowledge in the areas of mothering, breastfeeding, cloth diapering, potty training (both children fully trained by 18 months), baby led weaning, pumping while back to work, holistic healthcare, dealing with sick babies, and more! Book me in 1-hour increments to explore your birth options in the area, or pick my brain in other valuable areas. Out of respect for my paid clients, I kindly ask that consultations remain just a time to get to know one another, rather than a free for all.
